
Thursday 30 January 2014

The Game Changer's Code

Dreams are born in sleep and achieved through action. Anyone that’s ever done anything great in their life started urged by an idea, which became a passion, that turned into an urge leading on to a hunger to succeed. If you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, don’t expect anyone to hand it to you, take life by the collar, each morning you wake up out of bed what are you doing to clench that vision? That dream…

The game changer is the guy that got out of his bed and decided to make something out of his life. Being comfortable does not mean accomplishment, it means fear. Fear to walk paths less often trod and fear to dare, to question life, systems, and how we have all conformed to them. The world has advanced from the stone age, to the industrial revolution and to the smart age that we so effortlessly thrive in now. Were cavemen not living seemingly comfortable lives? They had food, shelter, families and good health. But it took one person that dared to dream, dared to harness the elements of nature, dared to make the first efficient and long lasting light bulb, a man like Thomas Edison. The worlds greatest inventors and pioneers are people that took on everyday problem by finding a way to practically deal with them, the world seemed fine with modern mp3 players until Steve Jobs woke up and decided to make a difference. You see, greatness, desire, drive, they’re not taught. They are embedded IN YOU. All it takes is you tapping into that and truly realising your potential.
Maturity begins when you realise that you have to fend for yourself, and be aggressive to get what you want. How many more times is the go-getter more successful than the laid back ‘comfortable’ individual? An education won’t make you great, a degree won’t make you live any longer than you’re entitled to, but drive will. Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, Maverick Carter, Paul Allen and Michael Dell, all have things in common, neither of them have college degrees but what they did have is a dream, the difference between them and the rest of us is that they actually got up and did something about that. A degree is a label, it’s a piece of paper that supposedly make’s you a better person than one without but as Albert Einstein once famously said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid.” Look at the major companies you know, Apple, Nike, IBM, even Microsoft, the chances are that the founder and/or CEO has less qualifications than his/her senior subordinates. Meaning, you pay top money to get the top education, given the highest academic honours possible to work for someone and help build their dream instead of your own? Sixteen plus years in education, countless books, teachers, lessons, and massive school rooms and hallways to end up in a 4x4m cubicle with irregular toilet breaks and lunch breaks given to you? Bear in mind, these are those that have it better off than most employees, these are the “seniors.” I know we need ‘systems’ they apparently make the world tick right? But why live, learn and be ‘trained’ to be a king/queen only to end up being ushered towards being his servant.
I’m not saying quit school, I’m not saying leave your jobs, what I’m getting at is that if that doesn’t fulfill you and make you content then why not dare to be different? A friend of mine once told me, “If your WHY is important to you then the HOW doesn’t matter.” Meaning if your drive and reason for believing is important then how you get there is down to you, are you willing to shed blood, sweat and tears for it? I could even take the contextual view of giving examples of good sportsmen and women you know, the Michael Jordan’s, Pele’s, Shelly-Ann Fraiser’s and Jessica Ennis’ of the world. Talent only got them so far, the rest was hard work, determination, and focus to go beyond what their talent ‘allowed’ them. Even the best work, wake up early and put in the hours, AND THAT’S WHY THEY REMAIN THE BEST, what’s your excuse? In the immortalised and ever-so referenced words of Kevin Durant, “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.”
Companies need workers, schools need students, but why can’t you be the company? Why can’t you be the GAME CHANGER…

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